creating PO invoice using RESTful API


How do I create a PO invoice via the RESTful API? 
There are only GET methods

when trying to overcome this by creating an invoice using AP/APInvoiceBatches
in the body of the request in the field "SourceApplication" I've given the value "PO"

this isn't good enough for it doesn't create the PO invoice itself. 
please advise.. 

  • +1
    verified answer

    If the endpoint isn't there, then you can't do it via the web API. The web API doesn't provide access to everything, and even the bits that it does give access to, it doesn't always provide full CRUD. You can't create PO invoices using the web API.

  • 0 in reply to Vega

    it seems that you're right
    I tried to track the steps of the creation of an invoice based on PO and GR

    1. create po entry (both POST and GET are present)
    GET Sage300WebApi/v1.0/-/SAMCOM/PO/POPurchaseOrders
    POST /v{apiVersion}/{tenant}/{company}/PO/POPurchaseOrders

    2. create receipt entry (both POST and GET are present) 
    GET Sage300WebApi/v1.0/-/SAMCOM/PO/POGetReceipts
    POST /v{apiVersion}/{tenant}/{company}/PO/POReceipts

    3. create invoice entry (only GET method exists)
    GET Sage300WebApi/v1.0/-/SAMCOM/PO/POInvoices

    didn't find a way to set the invoice entry with the REST API