Error message via API - Property 'ReceiptsAdjustments' on type 'Sage.CA.SBS.ERP.Sage300.AR.WebApi.Models.ReceiptAndAdjustmentBatch' is not a navigation property. Only navigation properties can be expanded.


Team, I need your help.

I would like to use the following request to receive payment:

{{BASE_URL}}/Sage300WebApi/v1.0/-/SAMLTD/AR/ARReceiptAndAdjustmentBatches?$expand=ReceiptsAdjustments($filter=DocumentNumber eq 'PY00000000000000000133')

But Sage 300 returns the error message:

"value": "Property 'ReceiptsAdjustments' on type 'Sage.CA.SBS.ERP.Sage300.AR.WebApi.Models.ReceiptAndAdjustmentBatch' is not a navigation property. Only navigation properties can be expanded."

Could you advise how to rebuild the request to receive data?

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