Error message via API - Property 'ReceiptsAdjustments' on type 'Sage.CA.SBS.ERP.Sage300.AR.WebApi.Models.ReceiptAndAdjustmentBatch' is not a navigation property. Only navigation properties can be expanded.


Team, I need your help.

I would like to use the following request to receive payment:

{{BASE_URL}}/Sage300WebApi/v1.0/-/SAMLTD/AR/ARReceiptAndAdjustmentBatches?$expand=ReceiptsAdjustments($filter=DocumentNumber eq 'PY00000000000000000133')

But Sage 300 returns the error message:

"value": "Property 'ReceiptsAdjustments' on type 'Sage.CA.SBS.ERP.Sage300.AR.WebApi.Models.ReceiptAndAdjustmentBatch' is not a navigation property. Only navigation properties can be expanded."

Could you advise how to rebuild the request to receive data?

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  • 0 in reply to Andrew1986

    well I had the same issue and tried to add filtering.
    it didn't work. apparently the version of odata which Sage 300 supports doesn’t support this filtering syntax.
    instead I created a small python program which extract the information from the original output.
    as a side note we've decided to change the development altogether and write it in .NET with the COM interface.
    after you get used to it you'll see that it brings allot of missing functionality and is easier to use in the long run.