Opening a View and its compositions vs Opening a CSQuery view for performance

I had a scenario where I am trying to optimize an external applications performance into Sage 300.

The scenario is as follows:   If I was looking for a subset of Orders(OE0520) (and only need a select number of the fields) and some of its composed views' field values (such as those Orders' line items and those line items optional fields......

Would it be better for my application to use one or multiple CS0120 (CSQQRY) steps or a join of the tables underneath to get to all of that data or would it be best to create the Views, compose them all together, and do a .browse on that Order view (OE0520) and then .browse the child views based on the order key, or what would the best approach as far as simplicity, speed, etc.

To be clear, my application is outside of Sage 300 and is written in C# utilizing the accpac.advantage dll.

I have read some different opinions on this so I wanted to be sure of if the CSQRY is the route to go or if it's a wash as far as performance.
