Credit Checks, Limit Tolerances, and Automated Releases

Does anybody actually use the "Check Credit in Picking" successfully?

I'm seeing that the Limit Tolerance is only respected during Credit Checks during SO Entry -- which doesn't seem to make much sense if the order then fails the subsequent Credit Check during the Picking.  Is this as designed?  Automated Release is obviously not working either.

There's this snippet from sparCreditCheck:

-- Set the tolerance margine to zero if not being called by SO Entry
IF (@iCallingTask <> @CALLER_SOENTRY AND @iCallingTask <> @CALLER_SOAPI) OR @oCreditLimit = 0
SELECT @MarginTol = 0

  • 0


    There is some information on the Set Up Options screen (click the Other tab, then right click over Limit Tolerance and select "Whats This", then scroll up a little in the Help so that you can see the explanation for each of those credit checks.) 

    Could it be that the customer record does not have the Apply Credit Limit checked under Maintain Customers? As far as ther Limit Tolerance, it does appear that the number entered for the Limit Tolerance is validated only during Enter Sales Orders and Quotes


  • 0


    There is some information on the Set Up Options screen (click the Other tab, then right click over Limit Tolerance and select "Whats This", then scroll up a little in the Help so that you can see the explanation for each of those credit checks.) 

    Could it be that the customer record does not have the Apply Credit Limit checked under Maintain Customers? As far as ther Limit Tolerance, it does appear that the number entered for the Limit Tolerance is validated only during Enter Sales Orders and Quotes


  • 0 in reply to trbaron

    Hi Tony,

    Unfortunately, the Limit Tolerance scenario doesn't really apply for Credit Card applications (PreAuth + Fill) when additional Freight then pushes past the Limit (or upcharged with the CC). 

    I'm really just trying to understand a scenario where Checking during SO Pick is applicable -- in this case, it doesn't appear to be realistic when moving inventory.  For us, it made more sense to disable the function.
