Use vbscript to pass the number of copies to print as a variable when printing Crystal labels

In Customizer, am scripting to allow user to click a button to print package labels at PO receiving.  Works fine except I want the user to be able to specify the number of copies to print for each label (have that part done) and then pass that info to the print logic below so it prints the correct number of labels (report copies).  Anyone know the syntax to do something like that part?

dim fso
dim CRApp
dim rept
dim RptFile
dim sFontFile

set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

RptFile = "\\servername\Sage500\Mas500 Custom Rpts\POReceiptlabelSTS.rpt"

Set CRapp = CreateObject("CrystalRunTime.Application")
Set rept = CRApp.OpenReport(RptFile)
'ODBC connect info
Rept.Database.Tables(1).SetLogonInfo "MAS 500","mas500_app","sts","noneofyourbusiness!"

with Rept
  .ParameterFields.GetItemByName("RcptNo").AddCurrentValue Form.Controls("lkuReceiptNo").text
  .ParameterFields.GetItemByName("POLn").AddCurrentValue CInt(Form.Controls("txtPOLine").text)
  .SelectPrinter PDFCreator, PDFCreator, PDFCreator