SQL Server 2022 Compatibility



We are purchasing new hardware to replace our outdated server. Does anyone know if the latest version of Sage 500 will be compatible with SQL Server 2022. I like to believe that there won't be any issues but you never know. Has anyone been running it on 2022? I tried installing the developer edition to run a test database but Sage refused to run on anything other than a production version of SQL.

Thanks in advance.


  • 0


    Sage 500 Version 2023 was release shortly before SQL 2022 was release so as of the 2023 base release it was not supported.  We are currently adding the support of SQL 2022 to version 2023. This should be in a PU coming in the near future. (not the Jan 2023 PU but expecting to be the one after that)

    The main area that will have issues whenever a new SQL server is released is the Data Import Manager area, they are reliant on the SSIS dlls that are delivered with SQL Server and need to be utilized with the Data Import DLLs.

    Hope this helps,


  • 0 in reply to kkeller

    Thanks for the quick reply Kevin.

    Since I am just moving (restoring) my existing database over to a newer version of SQL would it work? I guess I'm wondering if I could restore the database on SQL Server 2022 and run it in compatibility mode if I had to. It just was bad timing on the release of 2022 and my upgrade. I don't want to be purchasing new SQL software and licensing twice. If it won't work, I guess I'll just move my existing SQL VM to the new server until the compatibility is official.


  • 0 in reply to Ostrem

    Safest bet would be to wait for the SQL 2022 support. I have run on SQL 2022 from a high level (no Data Importing) but have not done the compatibility testing to see if anything creeps up.


  • 0 in reply to Ostrem

    I'm not sure if this is still relevant, but for others searching this issue; when you buy SQL server licensing, it typically includes a previous version key. You will have ownership of both 2019 and 2022 when you purchase the 2022 license. Confirm with your reseller before purchase.