1099 ty 2023 forms service launcher run-time error '5'

I received this error after following procedures to update 1099 and received a successful update notification.  I have put in a case on the support portal yesterday and have not received a response yet.  Has anyone had this error?  If so what do you do to fix it?

Run-time error'5': invalid procudre call or argument.

  • 0

    You should include your version and the steps you took to receive the error. An error 5 is normally pretty general and it could be any number of problems but there should be more information in the message that might help as well.

    General troubleshooting steps:

    1. Verify both the client (all clients) and server portions of the same update were successfully applied and that your Aatrix updates are compatible with the Sage 500 version/update.
    2. Logoff/Logon to your Sage 500 Desktop. The application of some client updates might require a machine restart.
    3. Enable Tracker from the Tools menu of the Sage 500 Desktop, then launch your task to see if additional information is reported.
    4. Make sure you are launching the 2016+ version of the 1099 Forms Service.
    5. Launch the task on another client machine.
    6. Use SQL Trace to isolate the problem to front-end or back-end.
  • Same here.  Support told me to reinstall Sage 500 client, but it doesn't help.  Waiting for their response now...

  • Update - I got the fixed AESCrypto.DLL file from Sage Support (Thanks Tony!) and it fixed the issue.   Please contact Support for the updated file, or check the Announcement for a possible update that provides the new file.

  • 0 in reply to John Lian @The ERP Group

    I already created the Article for the Resolution of the Error 5.  Unfortunately, I can't attach the fix file on the Article.  Customers need to contact Support for us to provide the fix file.  

    Thank you,


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    Sage 500 ERP 2019 Update 7(version8.00.7.0)

    Followed these instructions.


  • 0 in reply to atdizon


    This should dictate a new build of the 1099 update.

    Something to consider is that users shouldn't be forced to burn a support case and wait for resolution of a potentially critical problem. Many accounting departments don't even start compiling their 1099s until the last week of January and some have learned to test and run this on the weekend so they can restore a backup, if needed, and so that no operations are interrupted.

    The fix and any instructions could potentially be uploaded here, if the file(s) are not too large but not to have the ability to resolve this type of problem quickly whenever it is encountered is a disservice to the customer base.