TempDB fills up while accessing vdvCustomerPayment

Running an AR Report - the query errored as the TempDB filled up.

Our DBA noted the following:

This query below caused the tempdb to grow and fill up the D: drive.  The issue for the is connected to the view below – vdvCustomerPayment - which joins 24 tables. I do not think it is the joins but the DISTINCT that causes the issue as it needs to sort to remove duplicates. 

(The only filters on data are for [CompanyID] = 'A', dbo.tarCustPmtLog.TranStatus = 3, dbo.vListValidationString.TableName = 'tarCustPmt' and dbo.vListValidationString.ColumnName = 'CreateType')

Can you check with Sage to see if the DISTINCT clause is absolute necessary or if there is another solution to this?


An additional note:

“One part of the view definition looks bad to me.  Should the lines


                LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tciBatchTypCompany BTYP -- batch type for all but misc

                                ON BL.BatchType = BTYP.BatchType

                LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tciBatchTypCompany BTYP2 -- batch type for misc

                                ON BL2.BatchType = BTYP.BatchType



                LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tciBatchTypCompany BTYP -- batch type for all but misc

                                ON BL.BatchType = BTYP.BatchType

                LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tciBatchTypCompany BTYP2 -- batch type for misc

                                ON BL2.BatchType = BTYP2.BatchType



Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to @Steve

    Hi Steve,

    Thank you for letting us know you're version.  Unfortunately, we don't have that version on our environment for me to check.  But we did checked the new version, and they are correct and using the 'BTYP2'.  What we can do for you, create a case, and we'll see what we can do to fix your issue with Customer Payment Explorer.

