TempDB fills up while accessing vdvCustomerPayment

Running an AR Report - the query errored as the TempDB filled up.

Our DBA noted the following:

This query below caused the tempdb to grow and fill up the D: drive.  The issue for the is connected to the view below – vdvCustomerPayment - which joins 24 tables. I do not think it is the joins but the DISTINCT that causes the issue as it needs to sort to remove duplicates. 

(The only filters on data are for [CompanyID] = 'A', dbo.tarCustPmtLog.TranStatus = 3, dbo.vListValidationString.TableName = 'tarCustPmt' and dbo.vListValidationString.ColumnName = 'CreateType')

Can you check with Sage to see if the DISTINCT clause is absolute necessary or if there is another solution to this?


An additional note:

“One part of the view definition looks bad to me.  Should the lines


                LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tciBatchTypCompany BTYP -- batch type for all but misc

                                ON BL.BatchType = BTYP.BatchType

                LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tciBatchTypCompany BTYP2 -- batch type for misc

                                ON BL2.BatchType = BTYP.BatchType



                LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tciBatchTypCompany BTYP -- batch type for all but misc

                                ON BL.BatchType = BTYP.BatchType

                LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tciBatchTypCompany BTYP2 -- batch type for misc

                                ON BL2.BatchType = BTYP2.BatchType



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