What is the best way to handle a 15 user 2 location Sage 50 US install

i am assisting a Sage 50 US user with 15 users and they want to maybe go into the cloud. They could do 3rd party hosting, self hosting - they have a good IT provider, or use Sage 50 C.

From what I know so far after about 3 hours of assessment, they don't use any third party addons. They would benefit from using Sage Intelligence, Printboss, payroll services, and office 365. Should I go down the Sage 50c path or recommend they stay on self hosted or 3rd party hosted solutions? 

Also, I had a terrible time finding details on sage 50C on the website. From what I read, I could not determine if the data is actually stored on the web or on a local server and just able to be extracted to Sage Drive for transfer purposes. They want to have multiple users from multiple sites accessing the same company database. 


Peter Heinicke

precision computer methods inc.


  • They will need to either use a hosting company or set up a Terminal Server. Sage 50c currently only handles sharing the data with 1 remote user, and all other users have read-only access to the data while it is shared. It is intended more for providing your CPA with access for month end work, or for an owner to have access from home in the evening, not for true multi-site access.

    FYI, in a nutshell, the way Sage 50c works is that when you share your company, a copy of the data is uploaded to Sage Drive. The off-site user must also have Sage 50c installed on their computer. They will have the ability to open a company from Sage Drive, which actually downloads the data to their PC. When they are done, the changes will sync back to the original database via Sage Drive.

    For the best explanation you will find anywhere of Sage Drive and how it works with Sage 50c, read John Parr's blog post What exactly is Sage Drive and why would I want to use it?.