Application for Disaster Loan Assistance.

Application for Disaster Loan Assistance.-

Federal Disaster Loans for Businesses, Private Non-profits, Homeowners and Renters

This is the easiest way to pull the information you need. 
Go to this report
Now set the options like this.  Note the dates. This will only work if both dates are in the current open periods.  If 2019 has been closed you will have to take your data to excel,  subtract January of 2019 and add January of 2020.  The application wants you to generate  Total Sales,  Cost of Sales,Total Expenses and Net Income.
Here are the totals you will use from your report.  USE column 1 only. 
I hope this helps everyone with their SBA Disaster Loan Assistance Application. 
Shirley Byard, President,
#SBADisasterLoanAssistance  #BestBusinessStrategies