Autorenewing Sage Business Care Shows Plan Level:None


Hello All,

I am new to this forum, but have been a Peachtree/Sage50 user for a long time.  This is the second problem with Sage in last 2 weeks...I still wonder if there is a bug in the build...Sage says there is not.

Anyway, when I tried to run payroll tonight, I got an error saying I neeeded to call 1-800-336-1420 to update my subscription.  The problems...1) technical support is closed until Monday at 9am Eastern, and 2) my "Sage Business Care" auto-renews on 10/18/20. 

If I go to "About Sage 50 Accounting" Plan Level now says "None".  I've tried to "sync it online", as an option presented via a hotlink, but that doesn't seem to do anything.  When I go to the website on my own, it says it's down for maintenance.  

Anyone out there know how I can fix in order to run payroll before due date on Monday?

Thank you in advance,


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    Hi Tom. 

    I know you have not taken the last update for Sage 50. 27.2  Maybe that would help.  You may also need to take payroll updates.  Go to The services tab (top menu bar) and check for updates.  Since you don't expire until October, you should be entitled to any available at this time.  If not entitled, post back here.   

    By the way, where did you purchase your program?  It sounds like your Sage  Business Care expired before the program expired?? I know it was turned on if you were doing payroll so it is not that it was not activated.  You need to call Sage @ 866-747-3888, You should not have to pay any money and they may be open on Saturday. 

    Sorry you are experiencing this issue. 

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    Hello All,

    Thank you, Best Business Strategies, for your reply.  I did run the update that had previously downloaded, to no avail.  I further tried both versions on my backup computer that showed the business plan subscription as being active, immediately prior to running payroll.  As soon as I clicked "Tasks/Payroll Entry", it returned the same error.  Yesterday morning, I tried to connect to their website on a whim, and it was no longer down for maintenance.  When I tried to run payroll, I initially got the error, but this time, clicking on the Sync-it option allowed the subscription information to reload, and I was able to run payroll as normal.

    So, my program, that has always resided on my computer(s), as opposed to being Cloud-based, apparently reaches out every time I click on Tasks/Payroll Entry, to ensure that I have purchased a subscription, which I understand.  Unfortunately, if their website is down, the flag or field comes back empty, and even though the subscription is in full force, I am unable to run payroll.  Further, if I discover this outside of 8am-9pm Eastern, I cannot get technical help, and am unable to use the program functionality.  From a customer standpoint, it seems to me that the program should default to "It's ok to process the payroll for "x" many more times before you lose functionality, or you speak with a customer representative."  I'll try to send Sage an email saying so....

    Anyway, thanks for the views, responses, and happy thoughts!


  • 0 in reply to Tpattee

    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for reaching out. Your email on your Sage City profile helped me find the account ending with #40xxxx439 with your Sage 50 US license. The Sage Business Care plan looks active until 10/17/2020. I've forwarded your comments for review by the Sage 50 US team and asked them to reach out as soon as possible Monday.

    Warm Regards,