AP vs GL


How do I run Integrity Check to get AP and GL in balance?

  • 0

    Usually an integrity check won't fix that. It's usually just an accounting issue. Compare the balance in the GL to the AP Aging report at several month end dates. Is it off by the same amount every month, or does the variance keep changing?

  • 0 in reply to StephenC

    Thanks Stephen - the variance keeps changing.  I've checked the GL and all entries are either through the PJ or CDJ

  • 0 in reply to KarenMWCP

    Hi, Karen,  please note CDJ not allways apply to a VendorID. Its probably that you have payments that not apply a purchase and post as AP in GL account.

  • 0 in reply to KarenMWCP

    You can try running the Chart/Journal Sync Test and the Vendor/Journal Sync Test. Personally I don't think those are the answer but they don't take a long time to run and it's possible they will fix the problem, so it's worth a shot. You're most likely dealing with a procedural problem, not a software problem.

    If you had the same variance each month, you would just need to make a general journal entry to bring the GL in line with the AP Aging report. But since the variance keeps changing there's an ongoing problem.

    You were right to make sure all entries were either PJ or CDJ. Anything else will through things off.

    Here are a few tips for tracking down the source of the problem. First run the AP Aging and make note of the total. Then go into the options and filter by AP Account ID. Set it to the account you're comparing to on the GL. Now check the total and see if it changed. If it did, then you have invoices that are using a different account for the AP account. Go back into the options and clear the filter, then add the column "A/P  Account ID". Now you can easily locate invoices that were posted to the wrong account.

    If you still have a problem, review the Purchase Journal to see if any invoices use the AP account in place of an expense account.

    If you use the prepayment function for vendors, the GL account automatically changes to your AP account. If you switch it to anything else, that will also cause the aging report to not match the GL balance.

    If you find that the wrong account was used in the AP account of an invoice, or that the account was changed on a prepayment transaction, you only need to correct the unpaid or unapplied ones unless you want to correct prior month reports. Once the invoice has been paid, the problem self corrects on the payment date.

    If you still have a problem, review the Cash Disbursements Journal and look for anything that debits AP but isn't paying an invoice. Any easy way to identify which payments apply to an invoice is to add a column to the report for Invoice Date (I don't know why they don't let us add Invoice Number). Also, if you see anything crediting AP that isn't a void check, that will be a problem too.

    I hope something in this help you identify the source of the problem.