Hi everyone.
Am looking for any suggestion for a POS Software that fully integrates with sage 50 us or at least help me to make to process easiest...
Thanks in advance
Notice of Maintenance on October 9th. Click here for further details.
Hi everyone.
Am looking for any suggestion for a POS Software that fully integrates with sage 50 us or at least help me to make to process easiest...
Thanks in advance
AccuPOS would be worth looking at, they have a tight integration with Sage50: Complete POS Solutions | AccuPOS Point of Sale
Buenos dias Ivan, me puedes escibir para mostrarte algunas solucones de POS integrado con Sage50.
Hola Luis, buen día. Claro que si. Mi no. de móvil es (502) 54022363, estoy ubicado en Guatemala, gracias
*Community Hub is the new name for Sage City