Recurring/Memorized Invoices


Hi everyone.  We are an alarm install/monitoring company with hundreds of recurring invoices that run at the beginning of each month.  Currently we are running these out of our service tracking software (called MKMS) but as you can guess, it can be frustrating running the recurring invoices from one program and regular service invoices out of Sage.  The memorized transaction function seems to be the closest we would get to recurring invoicing, but I can't figure it out to suit our needs.  Am I missing something?  Are there any others out there who run multiple recurring invoices monthly who can help?  Perhaps a different or add on Sage product would be best for us? 

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    There are 3 features you will want to explore to see what works best for you:

    • Recurring Transactions
    • Memorized Transactions
    • Broadcast invoices

    To create a recurring invoice, enter the first invoice in the same way you would enter any other invoice, then click the down arrow next to the Copy button and choose Create Recurring (if I remember right, prior to version 2013 there is a recur button). Choose the recur frequency, the ending date or number of recurrences, and whether or not you want invoice numbers to be assigned now. When you click OK the recurring invoices will all be posted. That means if you print an invoice register for a future month, you will see the recurring invoices on it, and if you print an income statement for for a future month there will already be income on it (unless you are cash basis). If you intend to print the invoices out of Sage, you will probably want to choose to not have invoices numbers assigned when you set up the recurring invoice. Sage 50 sees invoices without an invoice number as unprinted, which makes it easy to print them when the time comes.

    Memorized transactions are more like a template providing a shortcut for entering transactions. They can be helpful when you have an invoice that recurs, but not on a set schedule, or that needs to be edited each time before sending it. You can create a memorized transaction by going to Maintain - Memorized Transactions - Sales Invoices or by entering an invoice, clicking the down arrow next to the Copy button and choosing Memorize For Future Use. No matter which way you created the memorized transaction, the easiest way to use it is by going to the Sales/Invoicing window and clicking the down arrow next to the List button and choosing Select. You can then select from a list of memorized invoices.

    Broadcast invoices let you send identical invoices to multiple customers at the same time. It is only available in Premium and Quantum. Start by entering an invoice as usual, then click the down arrow to the right of the Copy button and choose Send To Multiple Customers. You can filter your customer selection by name or ID, as well as sales rep, zip code, customer type, and the 5 custom fields. Sage 50 will create the invoice and give you the option to view a list of invoices created or to print invoices. To make this process even easier, you can start with a memorized transaction and then choose to send to multiple customers.

    I would recommend experimenting with all 3 of those in the sample company to see which works best for you. If none of them are satisfactory, then see if there is a way to enter your regular service invoices into MKMS. If not, you can find service management software that will integrate with Sage 50 at