Preparing for Year-End Webcast
At Sage, we are dedicated to helping you get started on the right path to a successful end-of-year close. Please watch our webcast "Preparing for Year-end Close with Sage 50 US: 1099 Edition", where we will provide you with valuable tips and resources to help make closing out your year a smooth and seamless process.
Our webcast will cover:
- Processing 1099s, W-2s, and 940s
- Closing the year / running the Year-End Wizard
How To
How to install tax formula and tax form updates
How do I manually update my local taxes for the new year?
How do I view an annual tax liability report for my state taxes?
How do I set up a Roth 401(k) deduction?
How to run payroll reports for closed years
What report can I use to verify the information on my 1099/1096?
Which forms should I order for year end?
What reports do I need to use for year end?
Does the IRS/SSA require that I print my W2s and W3s to red dropout-ink forms?
What report can I use to verify the information on my 940?
What reports can I use to verify the information on my 941/941B?
Which tax forms print to blank paper, and which forms require preformatted or preprinted forms?
Can I print 2 per page W2s with Sage 50 Accounting—U.S. Edition?
What forms do I need to purchase in order to process my W-2s / W-3s?
When will the new W-2 forms be available in the Payroll Tax Form Selector?
What is the website to order checks and forms?
Tax Form updates:
Guide: Printing and eFiling tax forms - Quick reference guide (PDF)
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