New York State Family Leave Act


When are the updates coming to payroll?  The deductions could have begun 7/1/17but there has been NO communication from Sage as to status; instructions; etc. etc...  My boss is wondering when we can begin deductions but cannot until instructions and/or updates are sent.  I run payroll in house and have done it for 11 + years.  I hope I chose the correct category and sub category because nothing matched this questions. 

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    I say it slipped under the radar, because it was not in the last service pack that had tax table updates for 4 states. (mid July)

    According to the NY state web site, an employer could start collecting as soon as July 1 2017, but the program begins 1/1/18. [ This is what I considered under the radar ]

    I included the link, so if a Sage team member reads our messages, they can ask their managers. and then get back to you.

    Also, NJ , CA and 1 more state have similar programs to the New York program.

    You may be able to use the KB article (if there is an article) on how those 4 other states are processed in Sage BW payroll.
