Upgraded to BW 2021 - Sales Order/Invoicing/Purchase Order windows not functioning


"Upgraded" to BusinessWorks 2021 over the weekend - and the system is now unusable.  I've been using this Software for over 20 years and have never had problems before.

I have a new Sales order to enter - I can select the customer - and when the window opens to enter the Part #'s - or if I wish to use the copy feature - the full screen is not displaying.  I can enter the part numbers and quantity - but the icon to "save" the information is not on the screen.  The same thing is happening if I try to enter a Purchase Order, or Invoice a customer.  The Pop up windows do not display fully - and there is no option to maximize or scroll to the parts not displaying.

Reports are displaying fine - and all my data seems to have migrated over without problems.  But basically I have no way to enter any new sales, purchase orders, or Invoice my clients.

Is anyone else having these issues?

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    Saw another post for a related issue to change my display settings - I switched them from 125% to 100% and the issue described above is fixed. 

  • 0 in reply to Bison

    Do you know what the screen resolution was set for?  I have several users with dual 1900x1080 screens and a few use the Display Scale feature to increase the text sizes. And I have 1 user who has terrible eye sight after a botched RK and her's may be set at 150% Disappointed

  • 0 in reply to Vince Settipane

    My computer was set to 125% Scale, and 1920 x 1080 Resolution.  I switched the scale to 100% and closed Businessworks - when it reopened I could access the features that were missing earlier.  I did not change the Resolution setting.  The only downside is everything on my computer screen is now smaller - though I did increase the Icon View  from small to Medium and this did not effect the windows in the program.  Prior to upgrade to 2021 I was using 125% scale with no issues.  - hope that helps

  • 0 in reply to Bison

    If you continue to have issues with your display on some computers, here are a couple articles to review that give you some options to try.  One thing that helped another customer on Windows 10 - The recommended display resolution is 1920 x 1080.  Changing their setting to that helped their issue.

    Can the size of the font or icons be changed? (64640)

    Scroll bars, buttons or menus do not function or are cut-off or screen is fuzzy (29535)

