Print Order Recurring Invoices


For any customer that has multiple recurring invoices, when printing these they do not output in invoice number order.

Is there any way to control that? If not, what exactly is it using as the sort field within each customer?

We are printing these to PDF's, and then using that PDF for other processing.  The fact that the invoices are not in number order is creating a problem.

  • 0
    Good question. I tested and it appears to be printing in alphanumeric order going by the Recurring ID you create. So if you create the following invoice #s: A,1,2,11. These will print out in 1,11,2,A order. So you have some control on the order based on the Recurring IDs that you use. If you need to change the Recurring ID go to AR, Transactions, Maintain Recurring Invoices. Select your customer and invoice. Then select the Rename button (looks like A pointing to a B).
  • 0
    Good question. I tested and it appears to be printing in alphanumeric order going by the Recurring ID you create. So if you create the following invoice #s: A,1,2,11. These will print out in 1,11,2,A order. So you have some control on the order based on the Recurring IDs that you use. If you need to change the Recurring ID go to AR, Transactions, Maintain Recurring Invoices. Select your customer and invoice. Then select the Rename button (looks like A pointing to a B).