Delete Credit Card


We have several credit cards that are no longer active and I'd like to remove them from the 7-2 list.  However, when I try to delete the account, "You cannot delete an account with transactions (or balances) in the current year." message appears.  Is this because the prior year is still open, when charges/balances occurred?  I'd like to start off 2017 with a fresh list!  Thank you.

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    verified answer

    You'll have to wait to delete those accounts until AFTER you archive the fiscal year that contains those records.
    Now that Sage can have multi-year general ledger it takes longer to clean up accounts.  But you can add DNU (do not use) to the account names to remind people not to use them in 2017 or you won't be able to remove them even if you void the mistake.

  • 0
    verified answer

    You'll have to wait to delete those accounts until AFTER you archive the fiscal year that contains those records.
    Now that Sage can have multi-year general ledger it takes longer to clean up accounts.  But you can add DNU (do not use) to the account names to remind people not to use them in 2017 or you won't be able to remove them even if you void the mistake.
