bank reconciliation cleared transactions in both accounts for a bank transfer. now i cant reconcile the other cash account


We set up another bank account to handle our PPl loan balance and transferred the money as needed into our general checking account.  Now i am going to do a reconciliation on the bank account and it isn't showing any of the transfer transactions.  I am assuming that when i reconciled my general checking account that it also cleared it out of the reconciliation for this cash account. does anyone else have experience with this?

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    What method did you do to make a transfer to the account?  

    If you just did a single journal entry, then Sage unfortunately "clears" both affected accounts when you reconcile either one of them.  

    The solution is to go to the 1-1 Checks/Bank Charges screen.  Then click "Options" and "Transfer to another account".  You will need to set up a "clearing account" to use this method.  But it will create two journal transactions for you, which enables you to reconcile each account separately.

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    Reconcile the first account, save a TRIAL reconciliation and save/print pdf. Then do the same for the other account. Then go back and final all account reconciliations. We have 6 bank accounts that have transactions between accounts and we also use an Undeposited Funds bank account. We run trials on all of them before going to final.