Vacation payout tables



We're using Sage 100 Contractor Canadian, version 22.4.27. I use 5-2-2 Payroll Records to create paycheques. There's 2 spots I could payout vacation: at the top in the box that says "Vacation Payout", or in the calculations tab where I have Vacation Accrual and Vacation Pay (not shown by default, but I have the option to add it - sorry for the confusion).

My trainer said to use the Vacation Payout box, but I'm unhappy with how it displays on paystubs and in reports. Could someone please tell me the pros/cons of switching to entering the payout under the calculations? I'm not at all well-versed in database tables and relationships, so I'm not sure how they are related or affected. 

I don't like that the amount of vacation payed out does not display in the 5-2-1 Employees Calculations tab, only the amount accumulated. On the Compensation tab it shows the current amount due/available, so I don't know if paying it out under the calculations would affect that amount... And it drives me nuts that I don't have the knowledge to find out how all this data is processed! 

Any help would be greatly appreciated. We switched from sage 50 in october, and it's proving to be a steep learning curve :S 


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  • 0 in reply to AlwaysLearning99

    Thank you!
    I discovered I cannot pay out using the calculations because then it no longer tracks it. And the reporting is correct so I definitely don't want to start destroying that. I've kind of come to terms that when it comes time for year end I'll just have to see it in 2 spots on the report. 

    But I do have to adjust our paystubs to show everything more clearly. However, we only track dollar amount, not hours, so that wouldn't work :/ But you've given me something to look at, so thank you for that!