

We do all of our own in house maintenance on all of our equipment and are looking for a software that will help us not only track the maintence, but also keep record of what parts and part numbers each piece of equipment takes.  Right now we only have the Equipment Cost module.  Is there an Equipment Maintenance Module, or another software that would help us with the equipment maintenance, specifications and parts?   

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    Our equipment module does that. 
    maintenance items are tracked inside 8-3 for each piece of equipment which is assigned a number just like we do our job numbers. Then when you charge expenses for equipment you must code to the shop range of GL Accts which will then bring up the equipment cost window where you assign it to a piece or more of equipment and a special set of cost codes for equipment (recommended)

    it works similarly to job costing and there are equipment reports just like job cost reports. 

  • 0 in reply to Char DeLange

    We do enter all invoices to each piece of equipment and can pull up a report.  We are wanting something that we can pull up that piece of equipment and it will give us what part it takes (like air filter / fuel filter part #'s)   I know when can enter all of that off invoices and pull a report, but that would be extremeley time consuming.  Is there a seperate "equipment maintenance" add on?

  • 0 in reply to Char DeLange

    We do enter all invoices to each piece of equipment and can pull up a report.  We are wanting something that we can pull up that piece of equipment and it will give us what part it takes (like air filter / fuel filter part #'s)   I know when can enter all of that off invoices and pull a report, but that would be extremeley time consuming.  Is there a seperate "equipment maintenance" add on?
