Multiple Garnishments

Is there a way to sequence several garnishments for one employee so one garnishment calculates after all others have been taken out of the employees net pay? 

  • We created sequentially numbered payroll calculations for garnishments to keep payment for each separated. This way we could track how much was paid to each. Then we calculate payroll and manually adjust balances to maintain compliance with local payroll laws. Where I am the law only allow a % of Net pay to be deducted for most garnishments. This way we distribute the % equally among multiple garnishments. Only one type of garnishment can be given priority over others here and they are rare. If there is a way to have Sage do this programmatically, I would also like to know. 

  • We created sequentially numbered payroll calculations for garnishments to keep payment for each separated. This way we could track how much was paid to each. Then we calculate payroll and manually adjust balances to maintain compliance with local payroll laws. Where I am the law only allow a % of Net pay to be deducted for most garnishments. This way we distribute the % equally among multiple garnishments. Only one type of garnishment can be given priority over others here and they are rare. If there is a way to have Sage do this programmatically, I would also like to know. 
