Bid Items and Phases

I have a debate with production group who want to enter Phases in the 9-5 Takeoff under the "0 - None" Bid Item.  CFO and I want the Phases to go into their respective (associated) Bid Items.  What layman's explanation can I offer to help influence this user group?  They claim it is to be able to see a running tally of phases that have been added, (even though they can see this in the Phase list anyhow...). Thanks in advance!

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    Priscilla- we can get online about this if you would like. First, remember that the Bid Items live in the Takeoff, Proposals and some Billing, but NOT in Budgets, Costs, POs, Subcontracts, etc.  Bid Item 0 can be associated to one of your phases, or it could have many phases. Think of it like a grid. it sounds like you want Phase 1 to be also Bid item 1, Phase 2 to be Bid item 2 etc? You "could" do that but you don't have to. Remember your Phases can live all the way through the job (costs- items listed above). Let me know if you want to discuss -Pam