I'm having an issue in 3-7 Progress Billing.  The "Scheduled" amount changed from the original contract amount to a different amount.  It appears that the amount changed from two change can that be.....I never had the contract amount ever change nor did I think it could.  Can someone please help me with this.



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  • 0 in reply to jncasali

    My client was on v19.2 so I'm not sure.  

    However, please be aware that Sage will not be sending out updates for v18 anymore, so you need to upgrade to V19.458 ASAP.  If you are using payroll, you may not be able to run Aatrix (depending on what the Service Plan expiration date shows).  Are you able to void the first PB that has the wrong schedule of values?  Make sure you have printed copies of the subsequent billings, because any new rows will be removed since they didn't exist for the one you are editing.

  • 0 in reply to Char DeLange

    I do not currently have any payroll so I think I'm ok but thanks for the heads up.  Yes I was able to void the PB but had to void the payments first.  Hopefully this works.