upgrade to 17.1 did not complete - can i uninstall and go back to 15.1

we upgraded from 13.1 to 15.1 so we could upgrade to 17.1 - something went wrong with the upgrades. can i uninstall 17.1 and go back to 15.1? all systems are down and need to try to get this resolved to monday morning so everyone can work. please send me any info you can - need help please

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  • in reply to Lesli Hodges

    We have noticed several upgrades from v15 to either v16 or v17 with this issue.  Commonly in the past we would restrict the Timberline Office folder and everything below it to only give full access to Domain Admins, SYSTEM, and a custom AD Group called Sage 300 CRE Users.   We have had to go back and add the EVERYONE group to this folder and propagate this down to all sub folders and then are able to move forward with the upgrade.  In your case, you can try this with the Timberline Office\Data folder structure.

    I would not recommend uninstalling and going back.  Need to move forward if you want to print W2.  Besides, uninstalling and reinstalling old version is going to cause a lot more collateral issues.  Unless your server is virtual and you did a snapshot, your best bet it to move forward.