Sage 300 CRE post-install problems


Hi all,

I recently installed Sage 300 CRE v18.2.2_REV_2_Accounting (Developer/Property Manager role) both on server and on a client machine.

Installation process worked and everything passed well. No replicator or CrystalReportDesigner is currently installed.

However, I have several post-installation problems:

  1. License Administration: there are no licenses for any applications, however in Customer Portal I see many
    applications that are in Active status. I followed this article, but it didn't help:
  2. Cannot run Sage Desktop on client machine: There are two errors:
    1. Background Tasks: I/O error. Pervasive status code 171. Tried this: but no Actian SQL Workgroup service, just Actian PSQL Client Engine.
      Also, do I have to do this ?. Currently, I don't have a domain administrator account, just a local account administrator. Will I need to add a domain admin account on server and client and will I need to reinstall software using that account or just to follow that article?
    2. Security files have not been upgraded. If the problem persists run Sage.Application.ConfigurationHub.exe on
      server. Tried this: but it didn't help
  3. I don't see any company data folder by default. Should I create one and how to do that?
  4. Where can I found "patches" folder and do I have to install those patches on server and client?

Sorry for several questions. I didn't separate them because they might be related to each other. If I am wrong, feel free to tell me.

Thanks for any help!