Upgrade Hung???

Started upgrade last night from 16.1 to 17.1 and it has been at this point for 20 hours. There is activity. I see the TrustedInstaller come and go and there are other processes that are going.

But I m a little nervous...

Looking to see what others experiences have been.



  • 0

    It's not normal for the install of the prerequisites to hang for that long. Unfortunately I am not an expert on installs, but I have installed this product enough times to know that the install of the software doesn't take that long.  (Generally the install of the software should take an hour or so depending on how many applications you are installing)

  • 0

    It's not normal for the install of the prerequisites to hang for that long. Unfortunately I am not an expert on installs, but I have installed this product enough times to know that the install of the software doesn't take that long.  (Generally the install of the software should take an hour or so depending on how many applications you are installing)

  • 0 in reply to Denise Paulus

    Thanks for the reply. That's what I was afraid of. It was 30-40 minutes in when it got to that point.

    And watching processes running I see these two keep multiplying.

    This one went from 11 this morning to 45 now.

    And this one from 18 this morning to 52 now.

    Do I dare stop and restart? Or should I wait for Sage on Monday?
