Covid Pay Tracked Manually. Can I add this manually to the W-2s?

We kept track of our employees that were off and received pay due to Covid manually. We did not set up a pay ID specifically for Covid, but used our PTO pay ID. Has anyone else handled this the same way? Looking for some guidance on how to proceed now. It looks like I will need to create a field on the W-2 to hold the covid pay amount. Can I just do that and input the Covid Pay amounts into each of the employees W-2s? Also, what other things should I consider?

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    We did the same thing and you can add a column to your W-2 and assign Box 14 and the instructions should appear for the codes to use.  We did not have any problems adding manually.  Hope it works for you. 

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    Hi DSM Eddy,

    Instructions to manually add a column to your W-2 preparer can be found here:

    In addition to the W-2, the Form 941 has fields for reporting covid pays and the employer medical costs associated with the covid leave. Setting up separate pay IDs and processing separate Covid checks in Payroll allows you to use our reports to determine the total covid leave wages and health costs. Without this setup, you would need to keep separate records to input the values on your W-2s and Form 941.


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    We didn't set up a different pay id as we're an union contractor and have to pay beneifits on the Covid pay. We did set up a job number for Covid pay and are now doing separate checks with the same check sequence number for the Covid pay. I set up a user defined field in the master file for the YTD 2020 Covid pay and added it to the w/2 form. Not the best work around but will work without revising all the union reports and all the Covid checks with the same check sequence, it's pretty easy to pull them for taxes.