Sage 300 CRE v20 and Win 7 workstation


I know that Win 7 is no longer supported but we still have a couple of workstations using it for other programs we are running in our office. Will Sage 300 CRE v 20 install and run on a Win 7 workstation until we can get this updated? Also if I continue to use Sage 300 v18.4.1 what issues will I have with printing w2's and 1099's for 2020? Thanks!

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    verified answer

    HI Tammy, There are changes to both 1099s and W2s that will prevent you from having abilty to use Sage/Aatrix to generate these forms in version 18.4.1.  You will need to upgrade to 20.3 for sure to run 1099-NEC forms due to new requirements imposed by the IRS. Its likely you will need to upgrade to run the W2s as well. Take a look at the year end center here on Sage City to see further information regarding the new requirements. I can't say for sure if version 20.3 will install on a workstation running Windows 7.  All I know for sure is that we do not TEST our product internally with unsupported operating systems and therefore cannot be sure that it will function properly when running it in an operating system that is no longer supported.

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    Hi TammyGP, if the above suggested answer helped, please do mark it as verified for the benefit of others in this forum. Thank you!