PR Employee Changed Address


I have an employee that moved from one state to another and forgot to tell us.  We have only processed 1 payroll for this year under the wrong state and i would like to some how "reverse" out the State taxes from that state and put them into the correct state.

I thought I could just do a negative in the wrong state and a positive in the correct state and all would be good.  But....In the payroll master file for the employee, there is a state tax that has all their wages and subject to info.  Do I need to just manually adjust that info and keep an audit trail of it?  Or is there some other way of taking care of it? 

I would like to get it taken care of before I have to send in my end of the month state withholding deposits.

Thank you in advance.


  • 0

    State taxes as a general rule need to calculate in the work state.  Therefore if the emplyoyee is "working from home" you may need to void and reprocess the check after changing the work state on the time. If only the employee's resident location changed, and place of work did not it may not be necessary to do anything other than change the resident state on the setup of the employee unless there is a reciprocal tax agreement between the two states (resident state/work state)


  • 0 in reply to Denise Paulus

      We are right on the Iowa/Illinois border.  In our case, state withholding is based on residence location.

  • +1 in reply to Guybor
    verified answer

    So do you have reciprocal agreements setup in Payroll in order to calculate the taxes in the resident state?

    The process will be very similar to what John McLagan stated.  If there is reciprocity setup and you have already changed the resident state on the setup of the employee you may only need to void, retain as new, process the check that is in the new file, and adjust the amount of the tax withheld to match what was withheld on the original check.

  • +1 in reply to Guybor
    verified answer

    So do you have reciprocal agreements setup in Payroll in order to calculate the taxes in the resident state?

    The process will be very similar to what John McLagan stated.  If there is reciprocity setup and you have already changed the resident state on the setup of the employee you may only need to void, retain as new, process the check that is in the new file, and adjust the amount of the tax withheld to match what was withheld on the original check.
