State Tax Reports


Is there a way to export the State Unemployment report in one of the following ways:

Payroll reports must be produced in one of the following formats:

  • 0

    Hi Lindsay, It looks like you are asking about the Texas State Unemployment report.  If you use Sage 300 CRE Payroll you should be able to generate the report in the format required by the state from Payroll. What version of Sage 300 CRE are you running?  If you are running an old version you may not have the updates required to produce this report with the current format required.  In Payroll, go to Tasks,State efile and reporting. Select TX in the state selection, then select the State Unemployment report (C-3/C-4 Reports)

  • 0 in reply to Denise Paulus

    I am on 9.8 still I am working on cleaning up before upgrading to version 12 I believe.  I don't usually like to upgrade to the newest newest until bugs are fixed.

    My only option is to print it and hand enter it on the state website or pay Aatrix to efile it which I don't like to pay to file a required online report.

  • 0 in reply to Denise Paulus

    I am on 9.8 still I am working on cleaning up before upgrading to version 12 I believe.  I don't usually like to upgrade to the newest newest until bugs are fixed.

    My only option is to print it and hand enter it on the state website or pay Aatrix to efile it which I don't like to pay to file a required online report.
