Too many websites


Can anyone provide a succinct explanation of the various sage websites? I'm confused by how many there are and what each is used for.  Customer Portal ( which has the knowledgebase in it, as well as chat and support... which you can also get to by going to And then there's Sage City, which I'm not sure how its different from the knowledgebase or what the story is.  And of course there's Sage U as well, which has a whole different password... Ugh.

What steps do you take when you have a question you need answered?  I like to be self sufficient and search on my own... but not knowing where to search is a problem...

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    Hi Siri, Sage City is a forum where you can post questions that can be answered by anyone who is registered at this site. It is an online community chat board. Some information is available here, but if you are looking to self serve your best bet is to use the Customer Portal to access the Sage Knowledgebase.  Sage U is for training. I hope this helps

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    Hi Siri, Sage City is a forum where you can post questions that can be answered by anyone who is registered at this site. It is an online community chat board. Some information is available here, but if you are looking to self serve your best bet is to use the Customer Portal to access the Sage Knowledgebase.  Sage U is for training. I hope this helps
