• My Assistant Formula

    Similar to below but I only want to return invoices where the month and year do not match. The day of the month doesn't matter. I'm sure it's a formula but I don't know how to "join" the month and year together in a formula for comparison.
  • Sort Vendor by Payment Type

    How do I go about generating a list of vendors sorted by their payment type? I want to know which vendors I pay are paid by EFT, Cheque, etc.
  • Split Name Formula for Inquiry

    is there a formula I can use to split an employee name in an Inquiry
  • How do I find an employees current pay rate using conditions? What Index is the amount in?

    Can anyone tell me what condition index you will find the wage rate amount from the employees setup PAY box? I cant seem to find the correct index. Everything keeps coming up blank.
  • Office Connector: Join JC Job with PJ Job

    I'm having trouble joining the JC Job Master file with the PJ Job master file. This seems like it would be straightforward joining "JOB" ON "JNUM" but it's not working. Any ideas?
  • Inquiry Design Help Needed

    I'm trying to create / modify a GL Account inquiry to add an additional drill down layer. Initial Level: GL Accounts 2nd Level : GL Transaction based on the GL Account selected in the 1st level 3nd Level: GL Transaction of the batch selected in…
  • Payroll Formula Splitting Employee Name

    Does anyone know how to create a formula that would split an employee's name into First Name, MI, Last Name, Suffix in separate columns for an inquiry or would I be better off trying to do this in excel after sending the inquiry to excel?
  • How to join CM Transaction and GL Transaction in Inquiry Designer

    I'm in Inquiry Designer trying to build a new inquiry that shows the bank account, the check number, the payee, subtraction, addition, and the gl account number offset from the GL Transactions table. I need to know how to make a join on CM Transactions…