• Subcontractor List

    How do I create a report that will show me a summary balance total paid to a Vendor/Subcontractor in a specific time period ?
  • Commonwealth of MA DLS Weekly Certified Payroll Report and Workforce Participation Form

    Hello Sage CRE community: Wondering if anyone out there has a custom report design they can share for this weekly reporting...?
  • EEO Component 2 reporting isn't taking into account people that did not get paid during that period.

    The EEO-2 reporting task (found @ https://www.sagecity.com/support_communities/sage_construction_and_real_estate/f/sage-cre-announcements-news-and-tips/132885/sage-300-cre-us-payroll-update-for-eeo-1-component-2-reporting ) isn't taking into account people…
  • Report Security - by database

    I know how to limit users that have access to a specific data folder - but what happens if a user has access to multiple folders and I want the user to see reports specific to that folder not all reports. An example is - Report 1 & Report 2 Report 1…