SQL Estimating 18.11 Spreadsheet Report Errors

I am having trouble with setting up and saving spreadsheet reports.  Minimize overlines does not work correctly, saved reports seem to randomly change on their own and I can't change the order in which columns are displayed.  Anyone have a solution?

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    Mark, I have experienced the same issue with column order changing on it's own. I changed them back and resaved more than once. They are now holding. As for column location, try moving the column above DOWN instead of moving the one below UP. This has worked for me. I am using 18.12 and am finding lots of bugs in very basic functions.

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    Mark, I have experienced the same issue with column order changing on it's own. I changed them back and resaved more than once. They are now holding. As for column location, try moving the column above DOWN instead of moving the one below UP. This has worked for me. I am using 18.12 and am finding lots of bugs in very basic functions.

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