Keyboard Shortcut Suggestion


Can we have the MS Excel equivalent keyboard shortcut to select a record (row)?  This would be:     <Shift> + <Spacebar>

It's an ADA-level request for me, as I need to minimize the use of the mouse....

Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to ROBERT WELLS

    Robert, here is the link of all shortcuts

    expand all of them.

    But, I would say between excel and Sage Estimate both are different environments..

    Because in the Sage you must command the Sage Est what kind of items you are going which carried all details like phase, sub phase , categories, etc  to add VS excel that adds the row regardless of any structures.

    The "Move or Copy" is working on only on WBS and location for organizing your estimate... Remember that  the "Group phase" and "phase" and  all relevant "items " are completely Concrete and Solid Structure ! We cannot mess with them and can't move them to other phase and group phase etc... !

    Hoping work for you
