• Totals page addon calculating a percentage against the previous section total? Not the running subtotal.

    I want to calculate against the previous section subtotal, not the running total subtotal. I should not have to go outside Sage to perform this calculation. I know I can apply percentages to other individual addons but not a subtotal of a section addons…
  • Sage Estimating Hourly Productivity

    I am using the means integrator, how do I get the estimate to show hours for the tasks? Example: the estimate says the item will cost $6.35/cy how do i get it to show how many cubic yards per hour without doing a bunch of converting? I add all the tasks…
  • Labor Productivity + Crews

    I'm wondering how labor productivity interacts with crews. If i change my crew from two resources to three, do i have to adjust my labor productivity to account for those added resources? I'd like my labor productivity to be calculated per "resources…
  • Margin Addon Instead of Markup Addon

    Is there any way to setup an addon for it to be a 'percent of total' Context: I want to be able to add a margin instead of a markup. So i'd like my profit to be 10% of my total instead of adding 10% to the current total.
  • Calculate a project duration

    How to calculate a project duration in totals page? Is there a certain "Add-On"? Looking for some pointers, thank you in advance!!
  • Base Price Formula

    Can someone give me the formula to add a base price to an item? For instance: An equipment rental has it's monthly rental fees, but I would like to add the delivery fee to the item as well. Thanks
  • Sage estimating and etakeoff

    Hello Everyone, I'm a new user for both etakeoff dimension and sage estimating. As and educator, we use the software as part of a classroom setup. Students will perform takeoff using dimension and transfer data through bridge to Sage estimating. For…
  • Sage Estimating - item details - altering crews and adding multiple materials

    Hello - I recently started estimating for a site work construction company who owns Sage Estimating 17.3 but never used it. I also have never used it but am willing to see if it works for our needs. Having estimated with the main competition for years…
  • Estimating Module

    We periodically update vendor pricing for construction materials listed as Parts. Some estimates take a considerable effort to assemble or may get delayed for one reason or another. Oftentimes, the material cost changes from the time you enter it into…
  • Deleting an assembly

    What if any are the ramifications of deleting an assembly? I am not certain if both of the assemblies have been used or not. We are 17.13 SQL version. Thanks.