Moving from Sage Fixed Assets 2016.1 Network to Single User 2024


Looking to see what the options are for moving from Sage Fixed Assets 2016.1 Network to a single user installed on a single workstation of 2024. Just started working with a client and discovered they are running this version and its running on a Windows Server 2012 R2 which we need to decommission.

 Is this something we'd have to perform a migration to an earlier version before moving to 2024 (and anyone have instructions to perform if so?)- would there be any issues with moving from a network version to a single user copy as well? I have the IT ends covered of backing up the DB, etc- mainly just asking if compatible to do so.

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    Hello Matt,

    Assuming you have already been through Sales to change your license, your only path from 2016.1 is to do a Company Backup, creating a .BBK file through the client, and restoring that 2016.1 backup into the 2024.1 Single user.

    To be very clear – a copy of the database is not going to work. A copy of a database cannot be converted from 2016.1 to 2024.1. You must do the backup then restore of the data in order to update to any supported version. See How to back up a company and How to restore a company for details of the process.
