Error when processing time off request in ESS

We are experiencing an issue processing time off requests in Sage HRMS 2017 and ESS 2017.  The message we receive is:

Insert failed: Record already exists in table hattran: SELECT Count(1) FROM hattran WHERE a_company = 'GRN' AND a_empno = '3080' AND a_date = '5/4/2018' AND a_enddate = '5/4/2018' AND a_strttime = '8:00 AM'
 AND a_endtime = '3:30 PM' AND a_day = '' AND a_reason = 'V' AND a_hours = 1 AND a_comments = 'Self Service request processed 05/11/2018 02:10:48 PM. ' AND a_chadate = '5/11/2018' AND a_ecomment = '' 
 AND a_mcomment = '' AND modreason = '' 

We have searched for duplicate records but have found none in the hattran table.

Has anyone seen this before?


  • 0

    We deal with this all the time.  It's a duplicate record in your ESS Requests for Time Off for employee 3080 that was submitted more than once and all submitted transactions have been approved.... I have written a SQL Script to delete the duplicate transactions using SQL Management Studio... there is no other way to remove the duplicated transactions once they have become a past dated transaction.  We spent many countless hours working with Sage and our own troubleshooting in order to rectify this issue. When we sent our data to Sage, they could not duplicate the problem, however, it is still an issue in HRMS/ESS 2017 system and we manage it through manual deletions.

    The duplicated transaction is not in the hattran table, hence why you can't find duplicates.   When ESS is processing time off and trying to commit the time taken from ESS to hattran is when the error occurs.  It encounters the duplicate transaction in the tTIME_OFF_REQUESTS table in ESS.

  • 0 in reply to terryfavel-lagowski

    Hi Terry,

    Would you be willing to share the SQL script?


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