Earning code showing $0 on check if flat earning type

We have an salary and wages, flat earning code setup in HRMS. We are running the open payroll and checking the calculate pay rates as hourly option. When we add in the earning code to a timesheet, put in 1 hour and $100 for the amount, the $100 is not showing on the precheck register. Only the 1 hour. The gross wages isn't adding the $100 in either. Has anyone else run into this?


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  • in reply to Raj D

    It is Flat. It's magically working now actually. I switched the Flat employee calc method flag through SQL to Fixed and then switch it back to Flat. Then reran this with 0 hours and $100 amount, and it printed on the precheck register as $100. Not sure why this didn't work. I talked with Sage Support and they don't know why either. These strange thing happen to us all the time in Sage HRMS. It doesn't work for days and then all the sudden one day it works. Makes no sense.