Error during Open Payroll


How do I fix this error that appeared during Open Payroll:
Earning - Earning Code(E010), Distribution Code () does not exist in payroll. Check Employee Configuration and Payroll. I feel like I have looked at everything for this particular employee.

  • 0

    Since I don't know your setup, here is where you can check the setup and make sure it is complete:

    1. Go to the "Employee Configuration" under "Setup-Payroll-Database Setup" for the company.
    2. Enter in the Profile ID at the top, or click the search icon to find it if you don't know it.
    3. Click on the "Earnings" tab at the top and find earnings code E010.
    4. The column "Dist Code Maps To" will show you the field that it maps to. Usually it is an org level but it could be a custom field as well.
    5. Once you know the field that should be populated, check the bottom half of the screen to make sure every Distribution Code is mapped to a "Sage HRMS Code". If any say "None" update them to the proper code.
    6. Click Save to save any changes.
    7. It is possible you may have more than one employee configuration profile that needs to be updated, so repeat steps 1-6 if needed.
    8. Go to the employee in question and check the field from the above mapping and make sure that it is populated with a value
    9. It is also possible that it is populated on the HR screen, but that there is no distribution code set up in payroll. If that is the case, go to the earnings/deduction setup and add the distribution setup for that code to the E010 earnings code, and any other codes that you need to set up. You will then need to go through steps 1-6 again.

    Hope this helps.

  • 0 in reply to Steve Tompkins

    Oh, I was very excited as I thought this was very likely. However, all of my employees have "none" under the dist code maps to. 

  • 0 in reply to Homemaker

    If the column labeled "Sage HRMS" shows "None" then the "Dist Code maps to" will show "None". Typically this is because you aren't adding those codes through open payroll. An example might be a bonus code.

    If the "Sage HRMS" columns doesn't show "None" than you will either have something in the "Dist Code maps to" or "All Sage HRMS Code Map to One Dist Code" columns. Both columns cannot be "None or N/A". It might help to paste a screenshot of the setup.

    Also, check that you don't have more than one profile. Some of my clients have created a second (or third) profile inadvertently which has caused issue in the past.

  • 0 in reply to Steve Tompkins

    Here is the screen shot. I hope you can actually read this. Where should I look for more than one profile? I really appreciate all of your assistance!

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