Anyone built a report that shows upcoming pending leave from ESS?
Looking for solutions
In SAP Crystal reports I created a new connection using OLE DB (ADO) with the Provider Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server. In the database AbraEmployeeSelfService is the table dbo.tTime_Off_Requests. This table contains the tiime off request reason code, time off request total hours and more. To identify the employee ID you will need to link to a second table dbo.tusers by UserIDNo. The field UserAbraSuiteLogicalPrimaryKey from dbo.tusers will display the employee ID followed by the 3 digit employer code. You can always trim this field in Crystal Reports if you do not want to see the employer code. You can also use the select expert to limit the information on your report to a specific date range.
In the screen shot below the UserAbraSuiteLogicalPrimaryKey displays the employee ID 151 followed by 3 digit employer code DEU. Please make sure to verify accuracy of the report. Hopefully this will get you started on your report. If you have any additional questions, you may want to reach out to your Channel Partner or Sage HRMS Support.
Thought I would show the result, still needs some tweaks. User can select the HRMS Company code and select a date range using a slider.
Thought I would show the result, still needs some tweaks. User can select the HRMS Company code and select a date range using a slider.
It's looking good!
*Community Hub is the new name for Sage City