Can not select "Create Paycheque" and "Adjust Paycheque" from the menu



I can not select "Create Paycheque" and "Adjust Paycheque" in Helena's Academy. Please help me with that problem. Thank you

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    Hello , if this is the student version of the software I'm still waiting to find out whether or not it gives access to the payroll module. Pretty sure that only regular programs on trial or with a service plan or those using the Accountant's Edition with an active service plan have access to the icon you specified (the cheque creation screen).

  • 0

    Hello , if this is the student version of the software I'm still waiting to find out whether or not it gives access to the payroll module. Pretty sure that only regular programs on trial or with a service plan or those using the Accountant's Edition with an active service plan have access to the icon you specified (the cheque creation screen).
