HOW TO: bill by hourly rate, but only up to a daily maximum dollar total (Timeslips 2015)


How do I define a billing arrangement in Timeslips 2015 that captures the agreement of a client to pay a timekeeper's hourly rate of $100, but only up to a daily maximum of $350, regardless of how much time the timekeeper records.

For example, if the hourly rate is $100 and the permitted daily maximum is $350,

  • the timekeeper records 2 hours of time on a single day, so the client is charged $200 for that day's work
  • the timekeeper records 5 hours of time on a single day, so the client is charged $350 for that day's work
  • a bill issues for the work, and the client is charged a total of $550 for the 7 hours of time.

I currently effect this result through manual adjustments for each slip in order to keep billable time for the same day under the permitted daily maximum. This is tedious, especially where many slips have been entered in small units of time for a single day.

Ideally, I would like the bill to show for each day on which there is billing activity:

  1. each slip as entered, showing as usual its time and value; and,
  2. after all of the slips for a particular day,

- a total of the hours reflected in all of those slips

- the value of those hours based upon the hourly rate, and

- the amount actually charged to the client for that day (that is, either the actual value of those hours or the permitted daily maximum where the actual value exceeds that daily maximum)

Is this possible?

Thank you for any help you can offer.