Error - another station is accessing your DB - V2015

We have 3 licenses and two computers using Win10.  I have read the entries regarding the same location for the installation file (cfg) and have checked this multiple times on each of the computers.  The cfg file is listed as c:\program files (x86)\Timeslips on both computers.  The DB file is listed as T:\Timeslips 2012\DATA01\ 

We are running into this error message daily & are unsure why.  Does the cfg file need to be located on T as well so both computers are pointing to that location?  Do I need to perform a different type of installation which would allow both users to access the DB at the same time?

At times, this seems to work but for no reason we can figure out, we begin to get this error message.  Please assist & if more information is needed, please let us know.

Thank you

  • 0

    If your cfg file is listed as c:\program files on each computer then you have two separate cfg files which is not good. There should be one cfg file on the network and you should both be accessing the cfg with the same path. Once you have the install on the "server" then you need to browse to the loclinst folder and run setup.exe from there. 

    If you need to change the path to the cfg file after installation (your situation) you need to open station administrator on each computer and go to options > change install path. 

  • 0 in reply to Caren2

    OK - this was my first time installing TS so I thought that might be the problem.  I believe the install files are on the server.  Do I need to uninstall the current TimeSlips from each computer & just reinstall from that location?

    As a test, I did try to change the install path to point to the CFG file which is located on the server & I got an error that I did not have any licenses and it needed to close down.  So, I had to go into the registry and re-point to the local cfg file before I could open the program again.  How would the local cfg file have the correct information on our licensing when the one on the server does not?

    So if you have an install procedure I could follow, I would greatly appreciate it.  Maybe I installed the wrong type of TimeSlips - are there different modules that go onto the computers accessing the DB?  Did I create three servers?  As you can see, I need some guidance.  

    Thank you

  • 0 in reply to Rixen

    Your procedure was correct you just need to clear the licenses. Make sure you are out of Timeslips and go to station administrator - options - licenses in use. Clear the license so that it can be reassigned when you reset the path. 

  • 0 in reply to Caren2

    So, please let me clarify.  1) Change the install path on both computers to point to the server, then exit TimeSlips.  2) If I am exited from TimeSlips on both computers, how can I get to the Station Administrator - will there be an instance of TimeSlips running on my server & I need to do this step on that machine?  Just wanting to make sure.  3) Go into Station Administrator, Options, Licenses in Use & clear the licenses. 4) Once the licenses are cleared, restart TimeSlips on each machine.

  • 0 in reply to Rixen

    YOu can open Timeslips administrator from the file folder where Timeslips is installed. You don't need TImeslips open and can't have it open when clearing licenses or changing install path.