Report that Totals Number of Clients for an Attorney


Is there a report that totals the number of clients an attorney has?

  • 0

    As usual, Nancy's answer sounds right.

    But also, try this:

    - Set up the custom field like Nancy suggests.

    - Create a user-defined summary report with only one field: Record Count (it's in the Client Values group).

    - Set up the Sort/Subtotal screen with only one sort: that custom field above, Subtotal = Yes.

    - Print it to display. Adjust as needed.

    Good Luck!

  • 0

    As usual, Nancy's answer sounds right.

    But also, try this:

    - Set up the custom field like Nancy suggests.

    - Create a user-defined summary report with only one field: Record Count (it's in the Client Values group).

    - Set up the Sort/Subtotal screen with only one sort: that custom field above, Subtotal = Yes.

    - Print it to display. Adjust as needed.

    Good Luck!
