Adding/Changing Reference to Slip After Approved Bill

Hello all,

We have recently utilized the reference section on slips to organize/track specific sets of data; now we would like to go back to apply this bookkeeping system to the slips for the entire month of August. I know that it is nearly impossible to edit a slip after the bill has been approved, but is there a way to add/change references on these old slips? Again, nothing material is being changed, just a superficial identifier that helps us run reports and sort data later on.

Thanks in advance,


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    Through security you can give someone permission to edit billed slips. Obviously you want to be very careful editing billed slips. Once you turn on the permission the user would need to logout and log back in. Just make sure to turn off the permission when done. 

  • 0

    Through security you can give someone permission to edit billed slips. Obviously you want to be very careful editing billed slips. Once you turn on the permission the user would need to logout and log back in. Just make sure to turn off the permission when done. 
